Join the Strategic Planning Committee and its co-chairs, Drs. Kim Costino and Matthew Smith, in an introduction to our exciting, new strategic plan. Learn how this integrated strategic plan will impact university priorities and ways you can connect the strategic plan to your unit, department, and division objectives.
March 3, 2022 3-4 p.m. Educational Resource Center Forum (between the Loker Student Union and Library)
Strategic Plan Timeline
Early Spring 2021 - Roadmapping
Develop timeline and work plan for strategic plan processes
Review and finalize SPSC subcommittee structure and rosters
Identify campus and community stakeholders
Outline schedule for stakeholder meetings and communications
Late Spring 2021 - Starting the Conversation
Begin meetings with stakeholders
Develop draft of a revision of CSUDH Mission, Vision, and Values and strategic commitments based on feedback from stakeholder meetings
Collect feedback on draft Mission, Vision, and Values and the outlined strategic commitments; subcommittees to review data
Refine and adopt institutional statements and strategic commitments
Maintain regular presidential briefings
Identify key activities for plan’s major goals, and develop metrics to track progress
Draft documents presented to stakeholders for feedback
Summer and Fall 2021 - Finalizing and Approving
Draft plan revised and presented to President
President approves plan and charges committee with communication and financial plans to support execution